As in many areas of dentistry, there have been advances in root canal therapy. Dr. Grafton Teets uses the Wave One Endodontic Motor to complete root canal therapy (RCT). The Wave One technology helps Dr. Teets save and restore teeth rather than extract them.

In RCT, the infected and damaged pulp from within the tooth is removed, the tooth is cleaned, and then filled with a medicated material.

In conventional RCT, this process would be completed by hand. Using files, dentist would remove the infected and damaged pulp from the canals of the tooth. This process is labor-intensive and lengthy. It is common for the procedure to require 2 two-hour visits to the dentist.

Using the Wave One, Dr. Teets cleans and shapes the canals and completes the RCT in about 90 minutes.

RCT with the Wave One usually requires only one visit to the office. The Wave One is an endodontic motor that allows Dr. Teets to complete RCT therapy more quickly using specially designed Nickel-Titanium files rather than the steel files used when RCT is done by hand.

To learn more about the advantages of RCT using Wave One technology, please contact Gulf Coast Dental Care of Biloxi at 228-273-8989.